Mirador de Cóndores

    A few years ago, I went up Cordillera de los Andes with my eternals trip pals Carlos and Benjamín to see cóndores, we get to the viewpoint after hours of trekking and, after a hard walk, we can´t reach our goal to see the bird. It was a shame, but even we can´t reach our original objective look the landscape and the sun falling down was a very unique and special moment for all of us.

It was 2019 when my cousin Carlos called me to invite me to go with him and his son to Mirador de Cóndores, a viewpoint in Cajón del Maipo in Cordillera de los Andes that is over 2000 meters above sea level where you can see cóndores flying between the mountains and the sky.

After his call, I went to stay in his house to go from there to the viewpoint and then the next day arrived and we got prepared for hour trip. It was long one and a half hours of travel by car and another 2 hours of going up the steep path to reach our goal. Sadly, we saw any birds and we planned wrong our trip. When we arrived to the place, the sun was falling down and the night was starting. It was marvelous to watch the sun hidding behind the horizon and how the latest beams of light were extinguishing and then how the darkness of the night began to cover us.

The danger was that we went up very late and then we had to go down without any sunlight to see the path. We had to go down with our cellphone's light and we prayed to not loose the way.

Well that the complete story. Wish you a great weekend and see you next week.


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