La Pequeña Gigante

 Along my short life, I've been in a few festivals, exhibitions and shows for reasons like I didn't hear about them or, simply, they didn't attract my attention.

But when I was just a little kid, it came a show that nobody can miss for then.

It was January of  2007 when the Santiago a Mil festival crowded the avenues and boulevards with the visite of  a six-meters-tall little girl in the capital city. The french theater company Royal de Luxe have come to the city to present its La Petite Géante show (The Little Big girl show), a six-meters-tall wooden doll who paralized the whole city to watch her take a shower, brush her teeth, and go to sleep.

For then I was a 6 years-old kid, who with my family, was one who crowded Alameda to see this charismatic giant girl. I was so wondered to see walk this big doll through the avenue while the theater company players operate her pulling big strings and "flying" when strings pull them. For me that was the most beautiful and marvelous show I ever seen till today and I can't forget the memory of this doll girl walking in front of me.

La Petite Géante and his uncle, a diver. 2010.

In 2010, the show came back for a new presentation, now the girl came looking for his uncle, a diver. Then, as in 2007, I assisted with my family and see the visite of this large dolls. I was so astonished as then.

Hoping that you can enjoy that show then, I finish the post of this week.

Whish you a great weekend. See you next wednesday!


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