My Cultural Radar (Part 1, On process)

For today activities, I read the post with the cultural highlights from Robert Östlund, a swedish film-maker interviewed by The Guardian last month.

In his recomendations, he invites to people to read a book trilogy he has enjoyed by his last life decade, the saga is written by a danish author called Thomas Korsgaard. From him, Östlund praised his "extraordinary way of portraying social situations". While, Triangle of Sadness' (2022) director highliths the presentation of  a theater play performed by Konstad AB in the Royal Dramatic theater in Stockholm and the film Anatomy of Fall, directed by Justine Tried, a Palm d'Or winner film at Cannes.

By the other hand, the swedish recomends to visit the Bologna city for its beauty and its nice atmosphere, and recomends to assist to its summer season activities, and also he recomends to go to visit the Fondazione Prada meseum in Milan.

His last highligh is dedicated to 


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