El Yeso reservoir

 Good mornig, Reader!

For my second post I'm going to tell you about a little trip I did in 2018.

In July of that year, my cousin Carlos called me to invite me to go with him and his son, Benjamín, to a day trip to El Yeso reservoir, an important body of water that feed Santiago de Chile.

The reservoir is placed in Andes at an important high from sea level (3000 mamsl), so it takes a few hours to get there from Santiago by car.

My cousin decided to go up early and have lunch at the place, so I we left Santiago to El Yeso in the morning to arrive at noon. The travel through San José de Maipo was long and beautiful and I enjoyed the sight on the way. 

As was planned, we arrived around noon, we left the car and began to walk to the reservoir. That was another long walk on a path next to the body of water while we were carrying the grill and the meat to make our food, but I don't really complain because I love the reflex of the mountains on the water while I was walking. Finally, we went around the artificial lake and went down to the shore to start to make our lunch. Long time later, I found out that path and area we stayed is restricted to visitors.

In that moment we had a problem, we can't ignite the coal. At 3000 meters above main sea level, the air is thinner and it is more difficult to light a fire. I remember we spent an hour and half to light the fire and we celebrated that we can eat at the end.

Later, we made an awful mistake. We stayed too many hours in the mountains and the sun started to fall down, so we had to go down to the city quickly or the night will catch us. Sadly, it happened.

We were walking back the way with the latest sun beams while we tried to not fall down because the path was slippery, and the atmosphere temperature close to 0°C.

The night came over before we finally get on the car and we turn on the heat inmediatly to warm up us. Then we came back to Santiago and we took a warm shower and drank warm drinks before we rest.


As lesson, it is important that you planned well your trips to never live thing like this.

Hoping you enjoyed this story, I say bye.Wish you a great weekend


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