About Me

 Hello, Reader! 

Welcome to my blog. My name is Martín Mejías Cárcamo, I'm 21 years old and I'm from Chile, the thinest, longest and southern country in the world.

I live in Santiago de Chile, the Capital city, and nowadays I'm studying Architecture at Universidad de Chile. I began to study at the college in the first semester of 2020, in the middle of Covid-19 pandemic-, the worst desition I ever made as a college student-, but I have been able to carry with that mistake to current days. Only few subjects I have failed.

In my family, I'm the last child of three siblings, so I'm "el conchito" of my family, and my older brother and sister bother me for that. As family, almost all like pets -less my mom-, in particular dogs, so we have two playful and funny doggies.

Some of my hobbies are reading books, playing videogames, and mainly take naps in the afternoons.

For learning purpose, I created this blog for practicing my English writing and learning how to express me better in this language.

Hope that you enjoy to read my post and the future ones.

Grettings, bye!


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