My All Time Top 5 Animated Movies
1. Treasure Planet Directed by John Musker and Ron Clements. This science-fiction movie released in 2002 is one of my favourite. The story follows the adventure of the younger Jim Hawkins and his looking for the space pirate Captain Flint's treasure, traveling by the space-ship RLS Legacy with its crew. The movie is a free adaptation of the Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island. I love this movie for his beautiful and wonderful animation - specially the combinations of classical and 3d animation-, its good soundtrack and its lovely life development of the main character. 2. Atlantis: The Lost Empire. This also science fiction movie release in 2001 follows the looking for the lost city of Atlantis by the linguist and cartographer Milo Thatch. Encouraged by an eccentric millonaire Preston B. Whitemore, and old friend of Milo's late grandfather. Milo joined to the expedition fund by Whitemore. But he will fight to save the lost city from the bad intecnti...